Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Introduction to Blogs

Welcome to the world of blogging! You will have the opportunity to create a blog of your own and design it to complement your personal style. Use your blog as a showcase portfolio. This means that you will include your most thoughtful and polished work.

Blogs are an excellent method student self expression and may be a more comfortable way for students to write. Not only do computers ease editing practices, but also the option to use tools such as spellcheck, grammar check, and a thesaurus. Furthermore, students may also read each others' ideas, as well as draw from internet resources.

We will be using blogs for a number of assignments, therefore you will be graded on the blog site throughout the semester. Part of your mark will be based on having all of your assignments completed. Part of your mark will be based on your writing skills and the effort and detail you have put into your assignments.

Remember to follow the expectations for English 11 writing. Proper grammar, word choice, and punctuation must be used at all times. Do not use abbreviations or texting language. Always proofread your work and have someone else check your work. And ALWAYS have fun!

Remember that everything you put on your blog is public; therefore, do not post comments you would not feel comfortable having read in or outside of the classroom.

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