Saturday, January 28, 2012

Blog Assignment #1

Your first assignment is to write a creative profile about yourself. The goal of the assignment is to develop a personal text that is entertaining which allows self expression.

Use a minimum of 300 words and concentrate on using proper word choice, grammar, and punctuation. Your task is to compose a profile that tells me something about you. Tell me a story about your past. Describe something you like to do. Create an alternative identity for yourself. Share your philosophy on life. Write about your life as though it were a scene from a movie.

Your profile must be between 100 and 150 words. Include at least one simile (a comparison using like or as) and at least one metaphor (a direct comparison). Try incorporating hyperboles (exaggerations), onomatopoeia (sound words), alliteration (words with the same beginning sounds), or an important quote. Write this in third person as if you were writing an entertaining magazine article, not a job application form.

Have fun!

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